1) What if it doesn’t work? If re-animation following cryonic suspension fails, then I’ll be dead and therefore oblivious to the inevitable process of decomposition - just as is any other corpse. 2) What if your body is re-animated but meanwhile you’ve reincarnated into another body? I always was good at multi-tasking. Seriously, why assume that Mind (or Higher Consciousness if you prefer that term) is restricted to one location? Or that Mind cannot flit instantly from one location to another - time and space being relative to Mind. Observe your own behaviour for proof of how little time you spend being truly conscious of your own body and your immediate surroundings. Most people run on auto-pilot most of the time. Maybe one body could run on auto-pilot while the Mind was in the other body doing something more interesting. Besides, I don't have a fixed belief in reincarnation. It's an interesting possibility and an engaging philosophy, but there is no evidence to pro...