"...The (V&A's) new doll archive: rows of stark grey metal shelves, from which dozens of bisque, wax, wooden and vinyl faces stare out... (One) has articulated legs and arms, so its owner could walk it about the room (move a leg and the arms move robotically in time); it has luxuriant and adult-looking blond curls that I am loath to touch. Most curiously of all, inside its rosebud mouth is a row of tiny white teeth, pointy and sharp." by Rachel Cooke. Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2010/aug/29/doll-face-museum-childhood-review "What, another doll?" The Drawing Room, with a Whole Lotta Sewin' Goin' On. Now everyone recycles, Wombles had to get another job. My three-storey Georgian dolls house in its entirety. I've always liked dolls. Walk around my house, and this would be self-evident. I have three dolls' houses. Well, two houses and one shop, to be precise, in various stages of completion. Sev...