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Moths, Artists and The Needle

Lime Hawk Moth
This lovely lime hawk moth was found snuggled against our garden wall.  I'd been doing a spot of weeding when I saw it, and so I went back inside for my camera.  Pretty, isn't it?  I don't think I've seen one of these before, though we have had other types of hawk moths visit our garden.

Anyway, watching me watching it was the blackbird which often rummages through the plant pots and forget-me-nots in the borders.  As I walked away, intending to put my camera back in the drawer where it usually lives, I saw a dark blur in the corner of my eye.  And that was the end of the moth.

Speaking of finality, Fabian has now been edited and the process of formatting has begun.  I've been looking at roughs for the front cover, which obviously has to continue the theme already established by the Artisan-Sorcerer Series.  So, we're now looking at publication date of July/August, if all goes well.  I've already started putting together a few notes for the 5th novel.

Richard's enjoying his new job, which he says is a million times less hassle than being self-employed.  The downside is that he has to leave the house at 5.30am to travel to work on time.

At his latest diabetic assessment, the nurse gave Richard the good news that his insulin levels can now be reduced steadily, over a period of several months, and if this is successful then he'll be able to use tablet-form insulin rather than the twice-daily injections (plus tablets) which he currently relies upon.  He looks forward to waving goodbye to the needle.

I'm looking forward to doing some of The Wirral Open Studio Tour again this year.  Over 50 artists and craftsworkers will be displaying their creations, many in their own studios, between the 11th and 12th June.  For details of who is exhibiting and where, check the website.

Walking Out to Hilbre, oil on canvas, 2016.
After last year's tour, I toyed with the idea of exhibiting my own work but there's not enough of it yet to make it worthwhile.  Taking a work-related NVQ Level 3 course has devoured a huge proportion of my time - hence the delay with Fabian.  I'm now on the last lap of that, which takes the form of a Maths Key Skills Level 2 course (and which began on Friday 13th last month, which amused me).

Anyway, here's my most recent painting - not a great photo, as the flash has bounced off the wet paint and washed-out some of the texture of the sand, but you can get the general idea.  This was based on a photo, taken years ago, and the people walking out to Hilbre Island are actually Richard and my sister Hazel and two of her 'kids' who are now 30 (or thereabouts).  Time flies, hmm?


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