This is the first in a series of fictional interviews with characters from the Artisan-Sorcerer series, done purely for fun. This first is with Rowan, who appears in the novel of the same name plus the as-yet unreleased novel, Fabian. He also appears in Intimations, a collection of five short Artisan-Sorcerer stories.
About Rowan:
Over to Rowan...
Name: Rowan Adshead.
ISBN-10: 1470139537
ASIN: B007ASQYIC (for Amazon Kindle)
ISBN: 9781476414201
About Rowan:
Rowan lives with secrets. His family know nothing
of his life after his mother banished him from the family home. Rowan is attracted to the handsome and vivacious
Aiden, a member of Morgan Gruffudd's secretive community of
artisan-sorcerers. But blackmail threatens to destroy the new life
Rowan has been building. People are dying - and Rowan is caught in the
middle of a secret war.
Character sketch of Rowan
Over to Rowan...
Name: Rowan Adshead.
Age: 19.
Distinguishing features:
Green eyes, sandy-auburn hair, slim build.
Place of Birth:
Liverpool. My mother still lives
on Menlove Avenue, where I was raised.
My father and his new wife also live in Liverpool.
Current location:
Hoylake, Wirral, where I live with my aunt, Lydia. Her cottage is the first real home I've ever
known, and I love that the beach is only a few minute's walk away.
Occupation: Student
at the University of Liverpool, taking English and Philosophy BA (Joint Hons);
part-time assistant at Whyte and Goldburg's art gallery.
Favourite foods: Sushi
and seafood, rice dishes, pasta dishes, chicken. I always carry a bottle of mineral water.
Favourite music:
Classical, Dead Can Dance, Loreena McKennitt, Led Zeppelin. I play tolerable Classical guitar.
Favourite films: I
don't watch films much. I prefer to
read, usually something relating to my course but my tastes run from the literary
classics to non-fiction works on art, photography and philosophy.
What are you wearing right now? Old, faded jeans frayed through on one knee,
with a plain grey v-neck jumper over a white t-shirt. Grey trainers.
What do you do to relax?
Surf the internet; meditate; play my acoustic guitar; read and write
poetry - I've had some published. And
I'm seriously into photography.
Closest friend:
Aunt Lydia. Does that sound
lame? But it's true.
Any special skills?
I make excellent pasta, from the raw ingredients.
Most precious possession: I collect shells. They are of value only to me. I'm drawn by the way they're so fragile and
yet they can withstand the fury of an ocean storm.
What do you drive?
Nothing. I travel by train,
mostly. I'll probably learn to drive
after I've graduated.
ISBN-13: 978-1470139537ISBN-10: 1470139537
ASIN: B007ASQYIC (for Amazon Kindle)
ISBN: 9781476414201