When I was a child, I read and re-read a novel called Chia, which was about the life of a Scottish wildcat. I think I wanted to be a wildcat, as Chia's life sounded much more fun than junior school. Or should I have been a lion? Elsa was read to death, also. And don't get me started on Jonathon Livingstone Seagull. I didn't fancy being a seagull, though; I'm still not a fan of sushi.
Enjoy this fabulous slide show depicting Scottish Wildcats.
According to the Scottish Wildcat Association's website, it is now believed that maybe only 100 wildcats now survive. I think it would be a crying shame if this beautiful, magnificent creature was to vanish altogether - and yet this looks likely to happen within the next ten years.
There is a captive breeding programme, which seems to have had mixed success. Part of the problem, apparently, is due to cross-breeding with feral cats. The familiar moggy and the wildcat are two distinct breeds - or should be.