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Six Planets Now Aligned

"If you get up any morning for the next few weeks, you’ll be treated to the sight of all the planets except Saturn arrayed along the ecliptic, the path of the sun through the sky." Source:

St Bridget's Church, West Kirby

This is just one of the many Celtic crosses found within the peaceful graveyard around St Bridget's Church in West Kirby, Wirral.  This particular stone caught my attention due to the rich symbolism carved into it, which expresses the fusion of both the Viking and Celtic cultural influences of the area's long history. With clouds of pink cherry blossom draping over the ancient, leaning gravestones, and pale yellow primroses growing like jewels scattered in the grass, I thought spring would be the perfect time to photograph this place, which can't really be seen from the road just beyond the perimeter walls.  To view from this photoshoot, visit:

Aleister Crowley and the Shed

I could use a new garden shed. Or... No need to guess which offer makes the most pragmatic sense, hmm? Seriously, I do not understand the adulation which Aleister Crowley attracts.  He died a drug addict and alcoholic, and his only income came via donations from his supporters, thus demonstrating that he had not mastered the art of looking after himself - physically or financially.  I can see no reason to applaud self-proclaimed occultists who can't even summon the skill to pay their own bills. Crowley was supposed to have been rather good at climbing mountains and playing chess but otherwise left behind a trail of disasters for other people to deal with.  He penned a number of mostly self-published books and wrote flowery, verbose poetry, and certainly he daubed colours on canvas and walls alike - though sorry,


Saffron Silky Princess 1996 - 27th April 2011

Paul B Rucker

If you assumed contemporary spiritual art was either dull or fluffy - pink dolphins, glittery fairies, etc. - then browse Paul B Rucker's online galleries.  Here you'll find his painting of Melek Taus, Dionysus and other deities, plus collections of imaginative fantasy work, all beautifully drawn and vivid with colour. Discover Paul B Rucker's website:

Roberto Ferri

Discover this incredibly talented young Italian artist, whose work has the flavour of the Italian Renaissance while being entirely contemporary in subject.  His skin tones are exquisite!  His depiction of the human form combines the fantastical, the Classical and the figurative, with strong narrative qualities. Roberto Ferri's website:

Royal Wedding: Who Cares?

"In Glasgow, which has a population of almost 600,000 not one application for a street party has been made.   In the London boroughs...there will be around one party for every 9,600 residents.  But in Birmingham the figure is just one for every 41,000 residents, in Liverpool one for every 27,630 and in Manchester one for every 20,130. having just four street parties...while Leeds has 21 and Sheffield 31. " Source: The figures present their own evidence for the dominant national opinion regarding the forthcoming royal wedding.  The greater majority of people simply aren't interested.  Perhaps the street closure licence of £150 per party has contributed to the lack of applications.  It seems an extraordinary sum of money for something which could easily be arranged for free with the mutual consent of any secondary road's residen