There is an interesting article in The Guardian today which discusses reactions to the decision not to have children. Richard and I do not have children and are perfectly happy that way. We have never had any desire to become parents. This was one of the first things we agreed on when we initially became a couple some twenty years ago. We wanted to do other things with our lives and neither of us have ever regretted that choice at any point. Now I'm 50, people have finally stopped insisting that I'll change my mind about not wanting children as I get older. Instead, I'm told that I'll regret it when I'm elderly as there will be no-one to visit me. I know plenty of elderly people with grown-up children of their own, plus grandchildren and a network of other family members, who rarely if ever see any of them for a host of reasons - geographical distance, economics and family politics, for example. Clearly, breeding additions to your family tre...